The OMTh President received the invitation from the French Colleagues to attend the Congress on the theme "Symposium of sport and hydrotherapy"
This Symposium, organized in the presence of the Council of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region,
and monitored by Radio France (first French radio network), will bring together a high-level representation of athletes, trainers, physical trainers, coaches, representatives of the sports world (companies, federations, Olympic committees...) - "sport for all" federations and "sports and leisure" associations as well as researchers, sports doctors, rehabilitation doctors, oncologists, rheumatologists, spa doctors, and spa guests will be present as witnesses - institutions, foreign representatives of embassies present in France and finally representatives of the cities spas (French and foreign), and spas.
The project “Thermalism in primary fibromyalgia. An Italian multicenter observational study” in which the President of OMTH Antonella Fioravanti is an active part.