Agenda 2013

19 October 2013

Free to be Diagnosed and Cured in Europe

8.00-9.00 Registration and distribution of congress material

9.00-9.30 Word of welcome by the mayor of the City of Levico Terme, Opening address by the President of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Mr Alberto Pacher, and Vice-President of the Provincial Council Claudio Eccher and other authorities

9.30-10.00 Introductory speech: “Differences among the various European national healthcare systems on the eve of the entry into force of the legislation” (Carlo Stefenelli)

10.00-10.30 “State-of-art of the EU legislation implementation on patient’s rights to cross-border healthcare” (Lara Comi)

10.30-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-11.30 “Overview of qualified private hospital healthcare in the European Union" (Alberta Sciachì)

11.30-13.00 Roundtable “Are the various European healthcare systems ready to guarantee the right of the EU citizens to freely choose the place of diagnosis and treatment in traditional and thermal healthcare?”:

  • Iles Braghetto, Luciano Flor, Paolo Gruppo, Alfred König, Ugo Rossi, Alberto Staffieri, Giuseppe Zumiani, Pierangelo Giovanetti, Director of the Italian newspaper “L’Adige”

13.00-14.30 light lunch

19 October 2013

Thermal Therapies in Europe and in the World

14.30-14.45 Introductory speech Ennio Gori

14.45-15.15 “Current Situation of scientific Research on thermalism in Europe” (Zeki Karagulle)

15.15-15.45 “Outlook in the future: the new directions to thermal therapies” ( Antonella Fioravanti)

15.45-18.30 State-of-the-art of Thermalism in Europe and in the World

  • Moderators Renzo Anderle and Alberto Lalli
  • Hans-Jürgen Kütbach (Germany) “Thermalism in Germany”
  • Fabio T. Lazzerini (Brazil) “Thermalism in Brazil and Latin America. Prospective Relationships and Partnership Experiences among the EU States and Brazil”
  • Günther Leiner (Austria) ““Thermalism in Austria”
  • Pier Francesco Bernacchi “China: an Inverted Path:from SPA to Thermal Baths”
  • Jeff Wang (China) “The Rapidly Growing Chinese Thermal Sector and its Recent Efforts to harmonize TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) with European Thermalism”
  • Andres Campos (Spain) “Thermalism in Spain”
  • Leonardo Campanelli (ENIT Austria) “Thermal Tourism in German Speaking Countries”
  • Laviniu Munteanu (Romania) “Thermalism in the Eastern European Countries”
  • Alexander P. Kudinov (Russia) “Thermalism in Russia”

18.30-19.00 Final remarks and CME test


Renzo Anderle Member of the Provincial Council, President of the first Standing Committee

Iles Braghetto Former EU MP

Pier Francesco Bernacchi
General Manager of Terme di Chianciano - OMTH Board Member

Leonardo Campanelli Director of the National Tourism Agency (ENIT) of Vienna Austria

Andres Campos President of SITH (International Society of Hydro-mineral Technologies) and Cuntis Thermal Baths Spain

Lara Comi EU MP

Claudio Eccher Vice-President of the Provincial Council

Antonella Fioravanti Medical Manager, Unit of Rheumatology, University Hospital of Siena - Siena, Italy

Luciano Flor General Director of the Provincial Healthcare Trust APSS

Pierangelo Giovanetti Director of the Italian newspaper “L’Adige”

Ennio Gori OMTH President Italy

Paolo Gruppo Past President Ancot, Thermal Physician, Orthopaedist and Traumatologist

Zeki Karagulle President of ISMH (International Society of Medical Hydrology) Turkey

Alfred König Director of the Health Care Office of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano

Alexander P. Kudinov Russia Vice Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Hans-Jürgen Kütbach Vice-President of the German Spas Federation/Association. Vice-President of ESPA, European Association of Thermal Baths and President of the Federation of Schleswig-Holstein Thermal Baths (D)

Alberto Lalli Vice-President of OMTH

Fabio T. Lazzerini Vice-President of OMTH and Scientific Director of Sociedade Brasilera de Termalismo Brazil

Günther Leiner Member of the “Europäisches Gesundheitsforum” Committee (WHO)

Laviniu Munteanu President of OMTH-SITH Romania

Alberto Pacher President of the Autonomous Province of Trento

Ugo Rossi Member of the Council for Health Care and Social Policies of the Autonomous Province of Trento

Alberta Sciachì Member of the UEHP Board - President of the UEHP General Assembly 

Alberto Staffieri Director of the ENT Chair at the Padua University President of the Scientific Committe of Terme di Levico

Carlo Stefenelli President of AIOP Trentino - OMTH Board Member

Jeff Wang CEO of Hacone Hot Spring & spa investement consulting Cina

Giuseppe Zumiani President of the Board of Physicians, Surgeons and Odontologists of Trento

Organizational Secretariat

  • OMTH - Thermalism World Organization
  • Board of Physicians, Surgeons and Odontologists of the Autonomous Province of Trento


The Convention is CME (Continuing Medical Education) credited for medical doctors and dentists. 5 CME training credits will be given (subject to attendance and awarded on successful completion of the assessment test). Subject to availability, it is possible to register also on the 19th of October.

Registration procedure and terms for physicians and odontologists

Online registration procedure from the Web site,

  • under item “Consultazioni” (Consultations) in the home page on the left, click on “Iscrizioni on line” (Online Registrations)
  • Among the options select item "Provider Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri della provincia di Trento" (Provider of the Board of Physicians, Surgeons and Odontologists of the Autonomous Province of Trento) or insert the Event Title
  • once you have selected the course, continue the registration by entering the requested data**

For APSS physicians select item “offerta formativa esterna” (external training offer) on the right

Deadline for the registration: Wednesday 16th October 2013.

The participation to the Convention is also open to all interested parties.


OMTH - Thermalism World Organization

Europaregion Euregio - Tirolo, Alto Adige, Trentino

AIOP Italian Association of Private Hospital Healthcare Facilities

Terme di Levico e Vetriolo

APT Valsugana - Lagorai

Organizing Committee

Ennio Gori, Carlo Stefenelli, Donatella Bommassar,
Massimo Oss, Raffaele Murari, Paolo Defant,
Patrizia Manica, Justina Claudatus

Sponsored by

  • Autonomous Province of Trento
  • Municipality of Levico Terme
  • Ancot - Associazione Nazionale Comuni Termali
  • Board of Physicians, Surgeons and Odontologists of the Autonomous Province of Trento

** Please note that the registration on the Web portal is active for all the professionals of the Health Care System of the Autonomous Province of Trento. This registration from the website allows professionals to access their training offer, to register to courses and to view the list of registrations performed and the training account. Should you encounter any trouble in carrying out the registration, a user guide is available at the following link “istruzioni per iscriversi” (Instructions on how to register).

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Palazzo Terme - via Vittorio Emanuele - 38056 Levico Terme (TN) - Italy
Tel. +39 0461 727700 - Fax +39 0461 727799
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