Thermalism In The Third Millennium

The OMTh International Convention ‘Thermalism In The Third Millennium’ will be held at the Palazzo delle Terme in Levico (Trento - Italy) between 21st and 22nd October 2016 as an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge, expertise and insights about the current situation and the future prospects of the spa business at the beginning of the third millennium. The morning session will be dedicated to the perspectives of the future spa offer and the recent innovations in spa architecture and techniques, along with the most advanced spa marketing techniques.

In the afternoon session the inextricable link between spa business and scientific research will be focused on, thus confirming the essential role played by Europe in the development of the spa network worldwide.

In addition, some speeches will be delivered about the current application of the EU legislation n°2011/24 regarding the right of European citizens to be able to choose any country within the EU for healthcare. In particular, the reports will focus on the experiences of cross-border thermalism in Germany and in the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino. Other main debate topics include the EU Intervention Programs for the spa industry, the methods of drawing up a project proposal as well as the description of international experiences in China, Ukraine and Latin America.

The crucial importance of the scientific dimension will be highlighted by an important event, i.e. the prize giving ceremony for the 8th International Award for spa research MARCIAL CAMPOS.

The Convention is of great importance also because of the participation of EHTTA (European Historical Thermal Town Association) and in particular because of the speech of its President, Giuseppe Bellandi, as well as of the President of the Scientific Committee, Paul Simons.

On the basis of reports about the growth and the development of the spa business worldwide, that will be delivered by acknowledged experts in their fields, the convention is intended to define strategic lines of actions to drive the further growth of the spa business and to globally promote its ‘excellence”. Supported by its rich tradition and its special achievements, the European spa business model shall extend from Europe all over the world.

In this International convention, OMTh is calling on everyone (members, partners and stakeholders) to fulfil this commitment, considering it not just a pleasant-sounding utopian thought but a mission linked to its tradition and its history.


Ennio Gori

OMTh President


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In allegato, il depliant arrivato dalla Spagna e relativo al prossimo premio Marcial Campos. Attached is the brochure arrived from Spain relating to the next Marcial Campos award.
Palazzo Terme - via Vittorio Emanuele - 38056 Levico Terme (TN) - Italy
Tel. +39 0461 727700 - Fax +39 0461 727799
C.F. IT 01846730222