Meeting Nancy President Omth Fioravanti

OMTh, World Organization of Thermalism and its current president Dr. Antonella Fioravanti, were among the protagonists of the seventh edition of the annual conference "Université du Thermalisme" held in Nancy (France) on 15 and 16 December 2021 and organized under the high patronage of the National Academy of French Medicine, in partnership with the University de Lorraine and the French Society of Thermal Medicine. On this occasion, it was also celebrated the centenary of the International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology (ISMH), of which Dr. Fioravanti is vice president.

During the 2 days of the conference, 30 speakers, experts in different fields of thermalism, representing all 5 continents, provided an overview, for every single geographical area, of mineral and thermal waters and of their clinical use. Indeed, in the congress was performed a comprehensive analysis of the different legislative aspects, the state of the art of the scientific research, and of the touristic thermalism.

For Italy and for OMTh, Dr. Fioravanti presented 2 different contributions, one concerning the laboratory scientific research in thermal medicine focusing on  studies performed with  Trentino mineral waters and in particular on Levico and Vetriolo water.

A considerable interest gained the second report given by the doctor Fioravanti about the OMTh. In this presentation the origin, objectives and future development programs of OMTh were discussed. Furthermore, Dr. Fioravanti wished for a close co-operation between all the international  institutions that are interested in different fields of Medical Hydrology and Touristic spas.

In this context, the collaboration of OMTh with the ISMH and with the FEMTEC (World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy), which currently represent the 3 most important international organizations dealing with thermalism, appears to be very important and promising. On the other hand, it would be appropriate to continue the collaboration, undertaken through this conference, with the thermal and academic reality of Nancy where scientific research, the training proposal with University Diplomas dedicated to thermalism, entrepreneurship and spa tourism are optimally combined.

The attendance at this important French event has therefore provided the opportunity to reaffirm the decisive role of OMTh in the international community, to establish new alliances and new collaborations, such as those offered by Nancy's French colleagues.

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