OMTh restarts with its new President Prof. ANTONELLA FIORAVANTI

OMTh restarts with its new President


The New Keywords are: Reorganization – New Projects – Cooperations

Dear colleagues,

in this newsletter you will find more about our meeting called by the new OMTh President, Dr. Antonella Fioravanti (Staff Physician 1st level Rheumatology at the University-Hospital of Siena, Member of the Scientific Committee of Terme di Levico e Vetriolo, Vice-President of International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology, ISMH).

All (fee-paying) OMTh members participated to the online meeting, along with many important people that supported the organization in many occasions and who have cooperated in the recent past in order to achieve the organization’s planned objectives.

The first objective outlined by the President is the reorganization of OMTh, which will continue moving forward building on specific projects and collaborations with both national and international institutions.

In order to achieve these objectives two more Vice-Presidents have been elected: Dr. Carlo Stefenelli and Dr. Iles Braghetto.

Carlo Stefenelli who has been supporting OMTh since the very beginning, is a long-standing experience cardiologist, former Medical Director at Terme di Levico e Vetriolo and now Member of the Scientific Committee of Terme di Levico e Vetriolo. He collaborates organizing both national and international conferences, in particular he has been cooperating for more than 30 years with Prof. Furlanello in the organization of the Biennial Conference “The new Frontiers in Cardiac Arrythmias”, which has been held at different locations throughout the Trentino region. He has been the Trentino-South Tyrol Contact Person of the Società Italiana di Cardiologia dell’Ospedalità Accreditata (SICOA - Italian Society of Cardiologists of Accredited Hospitals) from 2006 to 2019. He has been President of the Trentino Section of the Associazione Italiana Ospedalità Privata (AIOP - Italian Association of Private Hospitals) and National Advisor of the Association from 29th January 2010. He has held political positions in Trento and Levico Terme as well.

At the moment he is Head of Cardiology at the Multi-Specialty Nursing Home Villa Bianca of Trento and also Member of its Board of Directors.

Iles Braghetto graduated in Letters at Padua University, he is religious education teacher and has been Member of the Regional Council of Veneto and President of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs of Veneto. In the past he has been also Head of the Regional Health Department and Deputy Mayor of Padua. He has been sitting in the EU Parliament until 2009.

He has cooperated closely with OMTh during the preparation of the EU Directive about patient mobility and health care developments in the EU and – supported by OMTh – he achieved including thermal treatments in the scope of the Directive about patient free circulation in the EU.

According to President Dr. Antonella Fioravanti the first actions to be taken include the following:

  • Re-establishing our relationships with the Autonomous Province of Trento building on specific OMTh projects aiming to revitalise the spa sector and tourism in Trentino both on national and international level. It is necessary to recall and reaffirm OMTh objectives and strategies – as our Past President Ing. Gori did – in order to maximise the potential and the specific attributes of Trentino thermalism.

The two OMTh Vice-Presidents, Dr. Stefenelli and Dr. Braghetto, will be made responsible for the relationships with the Autonomous Province of Trento. Building on their capacities and experiences both Vice-Presidents have also been assigned with the relationships with national and international social and political institutions;

  • Re-establishing and enhancing our relationships with national and international scientific institutions.

Alberto Lalli and Antonio Galassi have been assigned with this task.

Alberto Lalli, former Director of the Center of Thermal Studies Pietro d’Abano, cooperates with Consorzio Aquahotel on the German market; he is consultant, also at international level, for the research of waters with therapeutic properties and Member of the Board of Directors of the Fondazione per la ricerca scientifica termale (Fo.RST - Foundation for thermal scientific research).

Antonio Galassi, former Medical Director at Terme di Montecatini, is coordinating the thermal activities in various European and non-European countries, thus having the potential to establish new contacts with international organizations experiencing or expecting a powerful economic growth.

As ISMH Vice-President and Scientific Co-ordinator, OMTh President, Dr. Fioravanti, will support the activity of Mr. Lalli and Mr. Galassi.

  • Re-establishing and improving the relationships with other sister-organizations operating in Italy and abroad in the spa sector with the aim to increase and promote tourism, economic growth, social wellbeing and scientific research.
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28/11/2020 18.51 | 186kb
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