The New Managing Committee - OMTh

The New Managing Committee has been elected: Carlo Stefenelli is the New OMTh President succeeding Ennio Gori


On 10th November 2018 the OMTh (World Hydrothermal Organization) General Assembly was called by its President, Mr. Ennio Gori, in Levico Terme (Trento, Italy), in order to renew the Managing Committee for the period 2019-2022 and to draw up the new programmed policies and the future lines of development.


The President opened the session by looking back to the long period of activity under his guidance, which started in 2002 and continued uninterruptedly until 2018.


Among the several initiatives and projects that the Organisation has started across all continents, one has assumed particular significance: the great commitment - with the decisive contribution from politicians as Iles Braghetto and Paolo Costa - in order to help push through the European Directive on free movement of patients from all EU Member States and on their right to obtain cross border healthcare in a Member State other than that of insurance. The OMTh great effort has been quite successful, enlarging the scope of the Directive to include also the spa sector.


The most momentous event during Gori’s Presidency was the Spa World Congress held in 2005 in Levico Terme, attended by the most important spa representatives worldwide and by many politicians, with some MEP’s among them, as well as by a member of the Mongolian cabinet.

Mr. Gori said he would not stand again as President, mainly for reasons of age, preventing him from standing for a further term of office.


After a long and detailed debate, in which all the members expressed their affection and deep gratitude to Mr. Gori for all his work, the Managing Committee agreed the desirable development and growth lines for the OMTh activities, in order to involve a larger number of nations to revitalising the traditional therapeutic spa model in close symbiosis with the new spa wellness offer.


In addition, the outgoing Vice-President dr. Carlo Stefenelli, cardiologist, was elected as new OMTh President. He was appointed by unanimity. The new President accepted, emphasising the need to count on the aid and solidarity of everyone, particularly of the outgoing President, Mr. Gori, elected by acclamation as Honorary President.


The OMTh Counsellors and Association Management Bodies have been elected, as well. The new organisation chart (see attachment) is made up of spa experts from across all continents: two new Vice-presidents have been appointed, Pierfrancesco Bernacchi, Fabio Lazzerini e Paolo Defant and three new Counsellors have been elected, as well: Iles Braghetto, Antonella Fioravanti and Loredana Lignola, for the results achieved in their commitment to relaunch the spa sector.


New phone-numbers 0461 727700 - 707


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Palazzo Terme - via Vittorio Emanuele - 38056 Levico Terme (TN) - Italy
Tel. +39 0461 727700 - Fax +39 0461 727799
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