Conference 2013

In view of the forthcoming introduction of the EU legislation n°2011/24 regarding the right of European citizens to be able to choose any country within the EU for healthcare, a International Convention will be held at the Palazzo delle Terme in Levico (Trento) on 19 October 2013. The Legislation sanctions the right of European citizens to be treated by different national healthcare systems, receiving the same healthcare services granted in the countries of origin. The deadline of October 25th 2013, has been set within which the national legislation of each EU country will be amended accordingly, in order to make this right effective.

During a series of speeches and roundtables the EU and Italian healthcare systems will be compared and the actualization of the legislation will be analyzed.

The morning session will be dedicated to the update of the national healthcare systems. European Parliament MP Lara Comi will report on the state-of-art of the legislation implementation, Alberta Schiachì, Member of UEHP (Union Européenne de l’Hospitalisation Privée) will provide an overview of the relationship between qualified private and public hospital healthcare in Europe, and Carlo Stefenelli, President of AIOP Trentino, will report on the organization and the financial situation of the different European healthcare systems.

The morning session will be followed by a roundtable presided by politicians and national healthcare experts who will examine the Italian healthcare system and verify whether it actually will be possible to guarantee the right to cross-border treatment in Italy.

In the afternoon session the status of thermal healthcare throughout the world will be discussed. President of the OMTH Ennio Gori, and President of ISMH Prof. Zeki Karagulle, as well other eminent experts of international thermalism coming from Brazil, China, Russia, Romania, Spain, Germany and Austria will actively contribute to the discussion.

Prof. Zeki Karagulle and Dr. Antonella Fioravanti will report on research carried out in the thermal field and propose possible future developments of thermal care.

Finally a main feature of the Convention will be an update for thermal operators with effective tools enabling them to understand the important breakthroughs deriving from the interaction of 27 EU countries.

Ennio Gori

OMTH President

Carlo Stefenelli

AIOP President, Province of Trento

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Palazzo Terme - via Vittorio Emanuele - 38056 Levico Terme (TN) - Italy
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